Thursday, May 12, 2011

PUSH, the first attempt

I thought i would have my first attempt at PUSH

PUSH is a fun new game all about pushing your photography skills to the limit and always striving to do better and be better, to be more creative and find something exciting in your everyday life.
Push is run by the lovely Danielle of 

And this weeks theme is
now the weathers been a bit wintery here is good ol Radelaide
so i thought instead of Jumping at the park bench 
I would share a picture of my Master J jumping like a daredevil
hope thats ok!

Ok so its not the best picture
but i think i did pretty well considering it was an action shot lol
He was jumping off the couch straight onto dad
and found it hilarious!
NO fear i tell you NONE!

Do you want to PUSH your photography skills?
why not join in the fun see how far you can PUSH yourself and your creativity.

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