We are very lucky to live just around the corner from Master J's current Daycars centre.
Its maybe a 10 minute walk.
Nice and easy not too far away.
During the warmer weather we walk around in the morning and pick him up in the afternoon.
This week the weather in Adelaide has been very kind to us and we've had some really nice days.
A few have been cold but no rain and we had a freak 2 days where it actually felt like spring.
With weather like that i took the opportunity to get myself and the boys out into the fresh air.
On Monday it was a nice morning a bit chilly but the sun was out
So i bundled Lil C into his pram put a jacket on Master J and put myself in some walking clothes.
After we dropped Master J off
I decided too keep walking.
Lil C & I did a big round trip taking int he morning air and using the time to clear my head.
Wednesday was a gorgeous day!
It felt like spring
So we walked around to his daycare too, Jackets and walking shoes were put on and we laughed and smiled the whole way
We weren't in any rush we just enjoyed the walk.
Friday well it was a little more wintery.
However there was no rain... in the morning.
I rugged the boys up jacket and beanie for Master J
Jacket beanine and a special pram sleeping bag for Lil C
Scarf and jacket for mummy
and off we went.
I decided to walk around and pick him up too
despite it raining about an hour before hand
and we made it home nice and dry
Well except Master J who had fun jumping in a puddle
I love walking and i loved the chance to be able to walk every day i had the chance.
Its nice and relaxing, good exercise and it helps clear my head.
Master J loves it too
He picks me weeds flowers picks up rocks and stashes them in his pocket and loves to race mummy
Lil C loves to just sit there and take it all in.
I cant wait until he is old enough to walk around there with us
I cant wait for the warmer weather to enjoy the nice warm sun and gentle breeze against our faces.
What were you grateful for this week?