The gorgeous Fi is back from the stunning New York and back with her linky...
This week I've really needed to focus on the happiness that surronds me every day and It hasn't been easy.
One of my standouts this week was taking the boys to the park.
I love the joy in their faces
So simple yet we had such a fabulous time there.
Master J is so independent and full of "look at me mum" and Lil C loves doing his own thing in his own time with a splash of I want to do what my big brother is doing.
So happy
The boys have reached the age where I can sit for alot of their time at the park and just observe.
They love checking that I'm still watching and of course when I push them on the swing.
Little and Big
The park has become a win win situation for all of us.
I get to sit and watch them learning and playing, interacting when they want me or need me.
And they get to play independently and not with mummy hovering around throwing off their groove ;)
With spring only days away and summer on the horizon we are all looking forward to getting out and about so much more, with park dates, picnics at the beach and fun filled days at the pool enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.
What happiness did you find in your week? Link with my Fi over at My Mummy Daze