Saturday, January 1, 2011


Its here 2011 has knocked on that door and bashed its way through!

What a year 2010 was!

I laughed, i cried, i loved and i learnt boy did i learn!

I made amazing new friends, lost old ones and got closer to existing ones

I gave birth to my 2nd beautiful boy Lil C, my little Owlet, my blessing in disguse
I watched in awe as Master J took leaps and bounds in his speech and development my boy is no longer a baby or a toddler hes a full blown little boy! i couldnt be prouder =D

I said goodbye to "mom" when she followed her heart to America
But i said hello to one of her friends who has become my surrogate mum

Overall it was a cracker of a year Amzaing Highs but crushing lows
yet i wouldnt change a thing
I've grown so much as a woman and a mother that all the heartache and defiantly all the Smiles are well worth it.

So now im left asking what does 2011 bring?
the Answer... PLENTY
ive got millions of ideas running through my head and inspiration all around me

Here a few of my aims and goals

Inspired by the Lovely Holly over at Good Golly Miss Holly i am aiming small and setting the goal of losing 5kg to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight

Im also particpating in Be A Fun Mum's "Love The Momment"
"Where the birds and the wind, the grass and the sky, a hug and a kiss don’t go unnoticed. Love the Moment." - Kel from Be A Fun Mum

I will also attempt at getting my creative side out and in the fresh air with loads of ideas already brewing in my pretty little head
(yes i jumped on that bandwagon too)

I WILL get Organised... even more than i already am 
and with The Organised HouseWife and the amazing OTi Organiser by my side it WILL happen
(yes i get excitied over organisation)

and last for today but certainly not least for this year
I will continue with my Blogg ive got loads of posts in my pretty little head and will be having a fabulous makeover in the weeks to come.

Can you tell my pretty little head isnt so little and very full?

On that note i hope you all have a fabulous first day of 2011
Mine has been amazing so far im off to hang some washing and go plant some vegies with Master J
(another goal is too grow our own vegies)
